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Δ Facebook (opens in new tab) Week of June 1, 2019 Latest News Give Listen Login X X Watch X Your browser does not support the audio element. X Go to our giving website Note: You will be taken to another browser tab to give online. If on a phone/tablet, simply click the back button to go back to this notes page. X Download Note: You will be taken to another browser tab to view this. If on phone/tablet, simply click the back button to go back to this notes page. You will not lose any notes. User Login Login by simply using your Facebook, Apple, or Google account below, and you’ll be automatically registered/logged in. Rest assured, these platforms do not share your login data with us, nor can they access your personal notes. Your data remains completely secure and protected. Username or Email Password Remember Me Continue with FacebookContinue with GoogleContinue with Apple Lost Password? To create an account on this site instead of using one of the login methods above, simply proceed below to manually create your login account. Create Account Main Street Church This Should Be Invisibles June 1, 2019 View All Past Notes View This Note w/ Blanks Main Scripture Reference(s) Select Book 1 This Should Be Invisibles June 1, 2019 / John Smith / Select Book 1 Review This series is an of our study on parenting and discipleship. Spiritual parenting and discipleship are a to a focus on the original decree: be fruitful and . In sum, God wants, lots of them. One of the things that distinguishes humans from other creatures is how much baby humans require compared to other . While most baby mammals become in a relatively short period of time, it takes to parent a human child into an adult. This accentuates the need of . God designed humans in such a way that sustained care from theirmothers and fathers is. This is no less true about parenting. Natural parenting is spiritual parenting. A natural parent’s spiritual children just happen to be biologically assigned to them. In the end, spiritual parenting is really what matters because the bond between a natural child and parent is only . The relationship between a spiritual parent and child is . (John 8:43-44) Satan children. This is why we must be born again (John 3:3). This is also why people without children are still responsible for parenting and why the natural and spiritual unit, as prescribed by Scripture, is vital. The essential necessary to thrive in life natural and spiritually are given to us by our natural and spiritual parents. This is why we’ve been emphatically addressing patterns of human behavior that exceed the scope of God’s boundaries for activity. God created these holy to preserve human flourishing and to extend his to his offspring. Jesus’ account of marriage in Matthew rules out , marriage, adultery and as things that God originally from the beginning. 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